Blender Grease Pencil Texture Brushes

You can create many brushes each with unique settings to get different effects while erasing.
Blender grease pencil texture brushes. With modifiers you can perform many effects automatically that would otherwise be too tedious to do manually and without affecting the base geometry of your object. Erase brushes are the special types of brushes that uses grease pencil for erase tools. What started as a markup tool expanded into so much more than most of us could have imagined. Modifiers are automatic operations that affect an object in a non destructive way.
Subscribe subscribed unsubscribe 60 9k. Textures for grease pencil strokes. Learn how to customize a brush in grease pencil then import it into another project complete with materials and settings. What a fantastic idea that blender grease pencil is.
Grease pencil textured brushes blender 2 80 beta blender developers. Any way i could add a texture to grease pencil strokes to make it look like pencil. The brush can be changed in the tool settings. Results with a repeating texture on your stroke if you set the stroke from lines to dots and fiddle around with the brush options like jitter input samples.
Unsubscribe from blender developers. Grease pencil status update blender developers blog. Soft and hard eraser brushes are settings variations of the same erase brush. The erase brush has also other two special eraser types.